Three (Scanning) Transmission Electron Microscopes are available at INL, with a wide range of capabilities for imaging, crystallographic analysis, and elemental mapping.


Transmission Electron Microscopy

The three (Scanning) Transmission Electron Microscopes [(S)TEM] offer access to a range of techniques. The JEOL2100 is optimized for TEM imaging of large areas, fitted with a fast-readout “OneView” 4k×4k CCD camera that operates at 25 fps (300 fps with 512×512 pixels), as well as high-resolution imaging and crystallographic analysis. The Titan ChemiSTEM is a probe corrected (scanning) transmission electron microscope optimized for elemental analysis at low to high resolutions, fitted with four energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy detectors and an electron energy loss spectroscopy system. The microscope also carries out atomic resolution imaging, with contrast from the atomic weight of the elements, in high angle annular dark field. The Titan ChemiSTEM is also optimized for electron tomography for 3-dimensional reconstruction of materials. Finally, the Titan Themis is a double corrected (S)TEM for high-resolution imaging and elemental analysis with sub-angstrom resolution in TEM and STEM, and a monochromator for chemical analysis.

For more information: click here


Double Corrected TEM/STEM Titan Themis
  • Voltage: 60–300 kV (X-FEG)
  • Monochromator
  • Corrected TEM Imaging (Resolution 63 pm)
  • Corrected STEM Imaging (Resolution 63 pm)
  • Diffraction (Crystallographic analysis)
  • EDX – Super X (Chemical analysis)
  • Dual EELS (Energy resolution 190 meV)
  • Electron Holography
  • Lorentz microscopy
  • In-situ sample holder (heating/biasing)
  • Differential Phase contrast (DPC) imaging
Probe-corrected STEM Titan ChemiSTEM
  • Voltage: 80 – 200 kV (X-FEG)
  • TEM Imaging
  • Corrected STEM Imaging (Resolution 80 pm)
  • Diffraction (Crystallographic analysis)
  • EDX – Super X (Chemical analysis)
  • EELS (Energy resolution 1 eV)
  • TEM/STEM Tomography (3D Reconstruction)
  • Voltage: 80 – 200 kV (LaB6)
  • TEM Imaging (Point Resolution <230 pm)
  • STEM Imaging
  • Diffraction (Crystallographic analysis)
  • Cryo (Biological samples/Soft matter)
  • Tomography (3D reconstruction)
  • EDXS (Chemical analysis)

Ascent+ facility

Platform Technologies

  • Nano for Quantum Technologies
  • Disruptive Devices
  • Advanced Integration

Key Enabling Capability

  • Metrology/Characterisation: Physical characterisation

Case Study

A user needs to carry out elemental and crystallographic analysis on lamella samples (less than 100 nm in thickness) prepared from devices (or materials/components). The typical applications of these techniques are for analysis of critical dimensions, defects, and failures in devices or materials, down to sub-nm scale.

Additional information

Key Enabling Capability

Metrology / Characterisation

Platform Technology

Advanced Integration, Disruptive Devices, Nano for Quantum Technologies
