Diamond Substrate Preparation

Diamond Substrate Preparation

Mechanical thinning and polishing of diamond substrates. A laser for precise cutting of diamond substrates is available at Fraunhofer IAF. Removal of diamond layers >300µm is routinely carried out. Additionally, each substrate undergoes several cleaning an pre-treatment steps before, during and after polishing/cutting.



Diamond substrate preparation: polishing and laser cutting

A Soenen GEM-10 laser diamond-cutting machine is operated at IAF for the production of freestanding diamond films with thicknesses down to 200 µm. The system allows for laser sawing at extremely low breakage rate, single and double sided sawing and mirror smooth cutting of surfaces. In addition, laser shaping can be carried out for customized shapes.



Single crystalline or heteroepitaxial diamond
Sizes 2.5×2.5mm2 up to 2″
Minimum thickness 150µm
Surface roughness on (001) diamond RA <1nm (up to 8×8mm2)
Laser Cutting
Typical sample sizes are up to 4.5×4.5mm2

Ascent+ facility
Fraunhofer IAF

Platform Technology

  • Nano for Quantum Technologies

Key Enabling Capability

  • Processing

Case Study

Polishing and cutting is only accessible in conjunction within a diamond CVD process flow

Additional information

Key Enabling Capability


Platform Technology

Nano for Quantum Technologies


Fraunhofer Mikroelektronik