
3rd ASCENT+ Newsletter – September 2021


Sustainable Electronics
Joint Research Activities (JRA) in ASCENT+
Flashlight – ASCENT+ Offerings
Learn More with Our Webinars
International Cooperation!


Feature Topics in Sustainable Electronics

Four key complementary topics, from materials and devices to systems and packaging, are covered

The role of packaging for sustainable electronics by Nils Nissen, Head of Department Environmental and Reliability Engineering form Fraunhofer IZM
The major sources of environmental impacts from electronics are outlined with a zoom into the specific role of electronics packaging – meaning advanced packaging of integrated circuits as well as the substrate and interconnection options. From a systems perspective and a circular economy view, packaging plays a larger sustainability role than just the comparatively small impacts associated directly with the packaging processes. – [Starts at 0:50]
Compostable materials for sustainable sensing: Rapid laser fabrication of 3D porous graphene from chitosan biopolymers by Aidan Quinn, Head of Nanotechnology group at Tyndall
There is increasing interest in laser methods for direct-write formation of graphitic and graphene-like carbon structures from sustainable materials. Chitosan is the second most abundant natural polysaccharide after cellulose. Here we report on site-selective laser-induced formation of porous 3D graphene on flexible and water-soluble chitosan films using low-cost lasers. Raman spectroscopy demonstrates formation of high-quality graphene (sharp 2D peak). We have also demonstrated proof-of-principle impedance-based sensing for humidity and also acetone vapour. – [18:40]
Some opportunities for greener electronics by Thomas Ernst, Scientific Director at CEA-Leti
The complete ecosystem of electronic device manufacturers, from microelectronics, software and hardware designers to developers, producers, and integrators, is facing an immense new environmental challenge: to reduce the global energy consumption of digital technologies. We purpose scientific and technical directions to reach global data and power sobriety while preserving computational efficiency. A growth factor of 100 to 1000 in energy efficiency is achievable in the next 10 years if we take full advantage of all the potential improvements, working simultaneously at all five levels of the technological ecosystem (process steps, circuits, architecture, software and algorithms). – [35:45]
Environmentally Friendly Graphene Inks for Flexible Electronics by Andrea Capasso – INL
The development of graphene-based nanomaterials for flexible electronics is of high interest to the industry. Graphene-based liquid dispersions are suitable for depositing films with high electrical conductivity, transparency, and flexibility at a low cost that are compatible with a wide range of substrates. To date, graphene dispersions present some limitations, particularly the use of efficient yet hazardous solvents with limited substrate compatibility, high boiling point, and toxicity, which are all undesirable features for industrial production. We propose a novel approach to produce graphene-based dispersions with high yield and control on the material properties using a new green carbon solvent – Cyrene, which could replace toxic and hazardous solvents such as NMP and DMP in the exfoliation process. We obtain stable graphene dispersions with concentrations above 4 mg/mL (with lateral size of the graphene flakes between 30 and 500 nm). The dispersions can then be deposited by several techniques (e.g., spray coating, inkjet, screen-printing, etc.) on various substrates to fabricate films with desired levels of transparency and conductivity. As a proof of concept, a 20×20 channel multi-touch screen prototype was successfully fabricated on PET by spray coating graphene ink through polymeric masks cut in a microplotter. – [52:00]
Discover more by watching the ASCENT+ webinar


Discover ASCENT+ JRAs (Joint Research Activities)

Another important part of the ASCENT+ programme is the Joint Research Activities: Within JRAs the ASCENT+ Access Providers work with leading academics to advance the state-of-the-art in the ASCENT+ offer portfolio. There are three JRAs that align to the Technology Drivers (Quantum Advantage, Low-Power High-Performance and Functional Diversity) and one overarching JRA that enhances the infrastructure offering as a whole.

ASCENT+ Joint Research Activities @ JKU

Within the ASCENT+ Joint Research Activities, Johannes Kepler Universität Linz (JKU) provides expertise and tools for the fabrication of sources of quantum light for scientific experiments as well as to applications in emerging quantum communication and photonic quantum computing. Particularly relevant within ASCENT+ is die-bonding and various bonding techniques enabling the integration of quantum light emitters (e.g. epitaxial quantum dots) onto piezoelectric actuators. The resulting hybrid platforms allow fine-tuning of the electronic and optical properties of the quantum emitters, is compatible with cryogenic operation, and allows addressing the demanding requirements of emerging quantum technologies.

FineTech Bonder


Flashlight: ASCENT+ Offering

Discover gas sensors test bed part of ASCENT+ offer at Fraunhofer IISB

Analysis of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) for contamination control of air, materials (e.g. glues, plastics), etc.

Gas Sensors Test bed @ Fraunhofer IISB

Set up the gas sensor test bed to characterize all types of gas sensors for different target gases, e.g. volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

For more information, follow this link


Upcoming Webinar

Recordings of previous webinars are available HERE.

Save the date for the upcoming webinar to discover more facilities on offer through ASCENT+:

November 23rd, 2021: Memories
  • Material development for MRAM and FRAM stacks – Fraunhofer IPMS: Lukas Gerlich et al.


International Cooperation

Upcoming joint event IRDS – ASCENT+

ASCENT+ has dedicated a Task to the International Cooperation with Policymakers / Strategic Roadmapping as it highly important to ensure a positive alignment between the future offer and current strategic research and innovation agendas. For this purpose, a joint event will be soon organised with IRDS “International Roadmap for Devices and Systems” and in particular with its “Cryogenic Electronics and Quantum Information Processing” International Focus Team.

A webinar on Quantum Computing will be jointly organised with IRDS: stay tuned!

Previous Issues:
Jul 2021 | Mar 2021
Jul 2019 / Apr 2019 / Jan 2019 / Oct 2018 / Jul 2018 / Apr 2018 / Jan 2018 / Oct 2017 / Jul 2017 / Apr 2017 / Jan 2017 / Sep 2016 / Jun 2016 / Feb 2016

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreements 871130 and 654384.